Worship & Bible Studies
Can I Commune?
Communion Policy of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
And Trinity Lutheran Church in Tryon
The Holy Communion was called the “medicine of immortality” by Christians of old. Like any medicine it can be received to one’s benefit or to one’s harm. For the sake of the holy Name of Jesus and His blessed institution of the Sacrament and out of Christian love and concern that no one receive the Sacrament to his or her harm (1 Corinthians 11:27-32), we only commune those
who have been instructed in what our church believes, especially as it is taught in Luther’s Small Catechism, and
who are making public profession of that faith by membership in a congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Those not instructed in the faith we confess and who are not making public profession of that faith by active church membership are kindly asked not to participate. If you are interested in learning what the Lutheran Church believes, teaches, and confesses, please inquire of the pastor regarding catechism classes.
All first time LCMS visitors please speak to Pastor Olson prior to approaching the altar.