About Us
Trinity Lutheran Church was founded in 1989 as a daughter congregation of Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Church, Hendersonville, thus giving the Missouri Synod a presence in Polk County, North Carolina near the South Carolina line. A leading retirement area in the United States, we are committed to people of all ages and ethnic backgrounds.
For many years the flock of Trinity met in the Seventh Day Adventist Church building on highway 108 in Lynn until it purchased a former fish camp along the river in the Pacolet Valley. The building was transformed wonderfully into a sanctuary with an office and several small meeting rooms. In 2006, an addition that seats about 70 people was built on for parish activities. The park-like setting is a perfect resting place for all travelers whenever they pass through the area. Picnic tables are available beside the river.
In addition to the eternal welfare of souls, we are also concerned with aid to the needy. We currently support Thermal Belt Outreach Ministry of Columbus, which gives generous help both to local folks and people passing through the area who find themselves in need.
Trinity Lutheran Church is a member congregation of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, belonging to the Southeastern District. It exists to spread God’s kingdom by the preaching of His Word and administration of His Sacraments; to demonstrate Jesus’ love and compassion to the needy and downtrodden with physical and spiritual help; to build one another up in faith and love; and to shine forth with the truth of the Gospel as clearly taught in the confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.